Eleanor McGrath's third documentary, "Forgotten" about the British Home Children and their descendants has been receiving great attention on the film festival circuit. In Canada, one in ten people are descended from the children who came to Canada through the child migration scheme, which operated, from 1860s to 1939. Over 100,000 children became indentured to families to work as farm labourers and domestics. With three festival screenings in the span of weeks, Matt Galloway host of CBC's Metro Morning radio programme interviewed Eleanor McGrath on March 3rd. Within seconds of the interview's start, Matt Galloway shared his own personal connection to the story that his grandfather was a Barnardo child. Following the airing of the interview, Eleanor McGrath received many email inquiries on her production company’s site www.ardri.ca. Eleanor McGrath has also been interviewed in March 2016 on CTV National News programme, Rogers Daytime TV with Val Cole, and September 2015 with John Moore on CFRB.
Listen here to the CBC audio link to learn more about "Forgotten" and Matt Galloway's interview of director, Eleanor McGrath.